Areas of practice

Privatization And Public Bidding

Assistance to national and foreign investors interested in participating in privatization of government companies and public tenders, including:

Orientação a respeito das normas e regulamentos aplicáveis a processos de desestatização e licitação;

Orientation regarding the rules and regulations applicable to privatization and public tenders;

Examination of invitations to bid and other documents related to public tenders;

Consulting and representation in all phases of tenders, including by presenting administrative appeals and lawsuits;

Formation of consortiums to participate in privatization auctions and other modes of selling holdings in companies to be privatized;

Legal due diligence investigation of companies being privatized;

Structuring of financing mechanisms for acquisition of government companies;

Assistance in meeting pre-qualification rules established in invitations to bid in tenders and other forms of public offers;

Negotiation of contracts with government entities in privatization auctions and other public bidding processes.

Assistance to government entities in privatization and the grant of concession, permission and authorization, including:

Preparation and negotiation of concession, permission and authorization contracts;

Consulting in modeling and preparation of invitations to bid, prospectuses and other documents related to privatization auctions and public tenders;

Legal due diligence investigation of companies being privatized.